Kutztown High School Set To Unveil Newly Expanded Stadium
“Dedication for the facility, which underwent $3.4 million in renovations, will take place Sunday.”

When Benjamin Haas looks at Kutztown High School’s renovated athletic stadium, he sees more than a new eight-lane track, an enlarged football field and new bleachers that can accommodate a crowd of 1,500.
The $3.4 million renovation, he says, is an example of the Kutztown community’s commitment to its youngsters.
“The Kutztown community understands the benefits of the stadium,” said Haas, president of the Kutztown Education Foundation. “It stands as an example of the people’s generosity.”
Under its Cougar Pride Capital Campaign, the Kutztown Education Foundation is a major contributor to the project.
As part of the stadium dedication on Sunday at 2 p.m., the foundation will unveil the amount raised toward the renovation.
Dr. Brenda Winkler, who co-chaired the capital campaign with Katherine Metrick, thanked the numerous people, business and community organizations that made the capital campaign a success.
Winkler and Metrick are former superintendents of Kutztown schools.
“We’ve exceeded our goal of $500,000,” said Winkler, the foundation’s executive director.
Winkler is a founder of the foundation with the late DeLight E. Breidegam Jr. and Kutztown attorney Robert P. Grim. All are Kutztown High graduates.
The stadium’s new track will be named for the late Timothy Breidegam, son of DeLight and Helen Breidegam. DeLight Breidegam, a former Kutztown School Board member, is co-founder of East Penn Manufacturing Co. Inc. near Lyons.
The bleachers will be named for Kutztown’s longtime basketball coach John Silan and his wife, Laila. The press box is named for the family of Carl H. Ziegler, school board president. Rob and Amy Howard underwrote a sign on a barn overlooking the stadium that reads: “The Howard Family welcomes you. Work hard, play smart, have fun.”
A complete list of more than 30 donors will be placed on a brass plaque mounted at the stadium entrance on a wall constructed by two Kutztown High sophomores – Zach Hinkle and Kaleb Kramer – students at Berks Career & Technology Center East in Oley.
Dr. George Fiore, superintendent, said the stadium will be open to the community for use from dawn to dusk.
“We want this to be a place for people to gather as part of a healthy lifestyle,” he said.
Fiore sees the stadium as having a long-term impact, perhaps 60 years into the future.
“I commend the school board,” he said, “for having the foresight to bring about this project.”
Randy T. Burch, school board vice president, said the renovated stadium has communitywide implications.
“This is an example of what can be done when parents, educators, the community and all the stake holders work together,” said Burch, a Berks County attorney.
Designed by AEM Architects of Reading and built by Schlouch Inc. of Blandon, the renovation project was completed in November. Thus far, it has been used primarily by Kutztown’s track and field squads.
The new track replaces an aging cinder track that has not been used for competition or practice since 2011, said track coach Kelley Neyhart.
“This changes everything,” a jubilant Neyhart said during a recent practice. “We have some good athletes, and this new track will enable them to become more competitive.”
Athletic Director Edward Yapsuga said extensive work has been done of the football field, which has been widened to accommodate soccer. Kutztown chose to keep a natural grass rather than artificial turf.
The stadium project came on the heels of a $12 million upgrade to Kutztown High School in 2017.
Two new science rooms were added and science and math labs overhauled. The cafeteria was reconfigured, and the entire building air conditioned.
Barry Flicker, high school principal, said the renovated stadium is already having positive results.
Some 33 students have come out for the high school football team, a dramatic increase over last season. Two dozen students have expressed interest in the middle school football program.
“If you build it, they will come,” said Flicker, borrowing an expression from “Field of Dreams.” “And, I think they are.”
Contact Ron Devlin: 610-371-5030 or rdevlin@readingeagle.com.
Stadium dedication
When: Sunday at 2 p.m.
Where: High school stadium, behind the high school at 50 Trexler Ave.
Speakers: Dr. George Fiore, superintendent; Benjamin Haas and Dr. Brenda Winkler of the Kutztown Education Foundation; Barry Flicker, high school principal; and Andrew Brett, school counselor.
Events: Running of the Cougars, a 5K run/walk, at noon. Stadium gates open at 1:30 p.m., with performance by the Kutztown High School band and chorus at 1:45 p.m. The Kutztown Indoor Association will hold dance and twirling performances at 2:45 p.m. Games, activities and information booths on school activities will be held from 3 to 5 p.m.